Mango Juice

Mango is very tasty fruit. Almost everybody including adults and children like it alike. Some people call it “KING of FRUITS”. On top of taste, it has many health benefits. It is rich in ANTIOXIDANT, which can help in fighting colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers, It lowers down the Blood Glucose. It has high fiber levels, pectin and vitamin C, potassium. It helps in reducing LDL cholesterol levels, control heart rate and blood pressure. It makes immune system healthy and strong. High content of vitamin A in mango promotes good eyesight. Tartaric acid, malic acid, and traces of citric acid found in mangoes help to maintain the alkalinity of the body. Mango is rich in Vitamin B-6 which causes calming effect. Mangoes are rich in minerals like copper, manganese and zinc. It helps in production of red blood cells in the body.